Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's market time again

This week I'm looking forward to the Hide & Seek Market on Sunday (24 Oct).  Lots of new stallholders have joined in the fun and there's now 3 rooms full of unique handcrafted goodies to check out.  It promises to be a lovely day.

During the recent school holidays I was finally able to clean up my craft space and take a good look at my inventory.  In order to make some room for new items to come to life I've decided to drastically reduce the price of my memory boards.  So .... anything not sold on Sunday will be listed on my Etsy Shop under SALE Items - although I'm secretly hoping they will all find happy homes with Hide & Seek customers!

Unfortunately, Tracey isn't able to join me at this month's market - she has a good reason though - it's something to do with family, cake and hopefully presents!  Happy Birthday Trace x

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